Sunday, October 28, 2007

The End Of The Season

The soccer season has ended! I'm glad that I'll get to sleep in on Saturdays and not have to keep track of all of my gear, but I will miss my teammates, punting the soccer ball and congratulating my teammates when they score a goal! Thank you all who have been to even one of my games to support me! I look forward to the spring when I'll play with my teammates for the last season and then move onto Scotties select soccer. Soccer will always be my favorite sport even if I don't continue to play it in the future.


The Farrell Family said...

We've enjoyed watching all of your soccer games. You show great sportsmanship and hard work. It's been a joy to see the friendships grow between you and your teammates. Love you!

blended by grace said...

It's so fun to watch you play soccer. You are such a great athlete. Each girl on your team, the Twisters/Mean-Green-Drama-Queens/Mustangs/Ligers, have come such a long way since that first season.
Even though we will miss your games, we will have a fun winter filled with holidays to celebrate and mountains to ski down! I can't wait to see you make those jumps!
I love you,

blended by grace said...

Oops... Twistin' Tornados. How could I forget a name like that?

jessithompson said...

We've loved getting to watch some of your games, Kayla. You are a great athlete as well as teammate to the players on your team. We love you and are proud of you! XOXO KK

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

I've loved going to your soccer games and Boppa had a great time at the one he went to!!

I am SO delighted that you found a sport that you love and team members that you love to play with! You girls have come a long way over the past several years!

I love to watch you kick that ball and I admire your sportsmanship!

Love you sweetie, and I sure do miss you! Your Nana

Anonymous said...
