Monday, June 30, 2008

Hooray For Hoopfest!

In between some of the basketball games, Madison and I took like fourty pictures of ourselves! These are some of our best shots!


Anonymous said...

Those were some really 'good' pictures of you and Madison. I am so glad that you invited her. It looks as if you had a good time in spite of the heat. Your Dad and Zach are inspirations playing so well. We'll see you soon.

blended by grace said...

Silly girls :) Glad you two had fun together.

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Hi Sis!!
These pictures made me laugh outloud!! You and Madison have a blast together!! I'm so glad that you could be "Hoopfest Cheerers"!

Thanks for your comment on my blog! I love you too Sweetie! It was great to have time with you at church on Wednesday and time together at Diamond lake!

Can't wait to have more time with you up there this summer!

How did that latest Phantom book turn out? It was so fun to get the latest one for you!

Love you to the moon and back!
Your Nana

Madison said...

That was so much fun! I had a blast! I am glad those pictures turned out so well. See you soon.


jessithompson said...

You girls are a great pair! Nice pics - LOL! ;)

The Farrell Family said...

I'm glad that Madison was able to come down to keep you company at Hoopfest. You two were great cheerleaders!