Monday, August 25, 2008

A Visit To Grandma and Grandpa's

On August 10th through 17th I was in Yakima with my Grandma and Grandpa! On Monday, Grandpa and I went on a four hour trail ride in Frenches Canyon. I had a great time learning about Grandpa's childhood, loping : ), and seeing all of the beautiful views! On Tuesday, I got to go to Cash's vet appointment and watch them file down his teeth and clean his sheath. I got to stick my hand all the way into Cash's mouth and feel how bumpy and rough and then smooth his teeth were On Wednesday I had a riding lesson and went to a church dinner. After dinner we took Maddy back to the house, I got to drive the truck back to the house after we got to the gate! On Thursday, Grandma, Maddy, and I went to town to pick up Grandpa's birthday presents. On Friday I rode Sunrise bareback and lunged Cash! On Saturday I rode Cash in the arena and lunged him some more. On Saturday we had Grandpa's birthday party. Maisie, Mackenzie, and Cameron all took turns riding Sunrise with Grandpa. Zac and Uncle Ron both rode Cash. Then I rode Cash in the arena. On Sunday Zac and I both rode Cash in the arena and Maisie rode Sunrise with Grandpa and then we left for Spokane. I had a great time at Grandma and Grandpa's and can't wait until the next time I can got to Yakima! Thanks for having me Grandma and Grandpa!!! I love you!


The Farrell Family said...

I'm glad that you had such a great time with your Grandma and Grandpa. It sounds like you learned a lot while you were there. I'm also glad that you stayed on the horse while loping : )


blended by grace said...

It was really neat to see you ride (and Zac and Maisie too!) You are quite a cowgirl!
I bet Sunrise and Cash are missing you already!

I love you!

Anonymous said...

Your Mom is right, Cash and Sunrise are missing you! In fact the first couple of days after you left they were a little depressed.
So am I, we had to muck the corral ourselves.
All kidding aside we miss you and love you and are looking forward to our next visit. Love, Grandma and Papa Rose

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Hi Sis!
I am so delighted that you had a great chance this summer to visit your Grandma and Grandpa and have sone GREAT time with their horses, Cash and Sunrise, as well!!

It was so fun to hear about your adventures in person! Love you so much and it was awesome to have a wonderful time with you at Diamond lake!!

Have a great start to your 6th grade year!!! :)

xoxoxoxox Your Nana

Anonymous said...

Hi KK!
I loved reading about your trip to Yakima, and all the riding you got to do! What a fun visit!!

I remember taking lessons in horseback riding at "Jimmy Rainwater's" when I was your age (probably younger, now that I think about it). I really loved loping, because it's so rhythmic and so easy to stay in the saddle. It also gives your butt bones a break from all the whacking and bouncing, scraping and rubbing, twisting and jostling ... you get the picture.

I love you! See you at soccer pretty soon!

Grampa Tim