Saturday, March 28, 2009

Scotties Vs Sabers!

This morning at twelve o' clock, we played the Sabers B team. I might mention that the last time we played them, they beat us 6-1. However, today we tied them 0-0! Sure it's not the same as winning, but it's much better than losing! Thank you to everyone who came to my game to support me!!


The Farrell Family said...

What a great game. You gals really showed improvement from the last time you played that team. Way to go!

blended by grace said...

We were so impressed with your team today, KK! Everyone really pulled together. HUGE improvements over previous games and it was fun to watch.


Love you so much,

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Hi Sis!
I LOVED being there to root for YOU and the Scotties!

Great improvement! Way to go!

Love you so much!
Your Nana