Saturday, May 23, 2009

Road Trip Extravaganza/Soccer Game!

Last weekend, Amy, Jacob, Bitsy, and I all had a Wenatchee road trip/soccer extravaganza!! We had lots of fun chatting, playing ds, admiring the views, having tasty snacks, (ranch corn nuts yummmm!!) and chatting some more!! We tied the Wenatchee team 1-1. It was super hot, but it was still fun to play! Thank you soooooo much to all three of you for the 7 1/2 hours in the car and for supporting me during the game! I love you all!! Xoxo!


McBurgers said...

Cute Pictures Kale!

Can't wait for summer so we can hang out again, it's been way too long since last August!!!

See you soon I hope,
Love you!

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Hi Sis!!

What a great post! I LOVED reading about your trip! I also loved seeing the pictures from your "Road Trip Extravaganza"!! Yikes, 71/2 hours!!

It's so fun to have a support squad! Great job during this soccer season Sis!!

Can't wait to see you soon!
Love you too!
Your Nana

blended by grace said...

Nice pictures, Kk! I'm glad you had some beautiful views to admire during such a long road trip.
You did a great job this season, keeper.
I love you!

The Farrell Family said...

Hi Sis!

I thought that the conversations and memories were well worth the long drive! It was a fun way to end the season! You did great and I loved watching you play!

The road trip crew

jessithompson said...

You are incredibly blessed to have such great family support with all that you do! Loved getting to see you at Zac's birthday party. Miss you! XOXO