Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We spent this Thanksgiving at Diamond Lake with Nana and Boppa!
We stayed there for two nights and had a great time!

On Thanksgiving day we made our food including a delicious turkey, home-made mashed potatoes, broccoli with cheese, cranberry sauce, dinner roles and sparkling cider! Yummy!

We have so much to be thankful for!
We had an absolutely great time and hope every one else did too!


Anonymous said...

that pic of me is awsome lol

The Farrell Family said...

It was so much fun spending Thanksgiving with you. I'm so glad that we could go to Diamond Lake. That is one of my most favorite places to spend time together. Thanks for all of your help with dinner! You're such a great potato peeler!!!


Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Hi Sis!
Wow! This was one of the best Thanksgivings ever! We loved having all of that relaxed time with you, Zac, Jacob and Jenna...and of coourse Papa and Mama! And to top it all off, Jenna just laughed and laughed!! Wasn't her giggle fun!!!

What FUN to go in the hot tub (and even make a small attempt to go in the freezing lake), take trips to the store (and of course our old standby, Ben Franklin):), play with Webkinz (how many Webkinz "weddings" did I officiate?:), talk, relax, eat ourselves silly, watch movies, take walks...what fun!! We loved it ALL!!!

You are such a HUGE helper and cooperator! I always love our time together!! You Rock!!

Can't wait for our next Nana and KK time!

Love you SO much! Nana (and Boppa too!!!)

blended by grace said...

I agree, we have so much to be thakful for! I am so thankful for you, my beautiful daughter.
I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving. What a wonderful place to celebrate being thankful!

I love you,

The Pelson 5 said...

Kayla- Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! We missed you, Zac and Collin soooooooooo much, but we will be together next Thanksgiving. We love you and thought of you often!
Love, Auntie Erika

Anonymous said...

i love you kayla


jessithompson said...

We missed you this Thanksgiving but are so glad that you had such a good time! XOXO