On Friday November 16th my mom and I took a plane at 9:10 to Portland, Oregon! As soon as we got there we went to get our rental car. We had a few issues but got around them and ended up with a Toyota Hybrid! My mom said that it felt like she was in a toy car because all you did was put a plug into the dashboard and press the power button. We went to Jack in the Box for lunch. Yummy! Once we got to the hotel we couldn't get our room yet because it wasn't available until 3:00. So we went shopping! We went to Barnes and Noble first and I got a few non-fiction horse books and a horsey bookmark! Next we just walked around the mall for a while. We got some See's Candy and an Orange Julius. I got a Webkinz husky at one of the stores called Suncoast! After the mall we went to Pier One Imports for Mom! When we got there my feet were really sore from walking around so I just plopped into a chair and read one of my new books while she did her looking around. After shopping we went back to the hotel and since it was well after 3:00 we got our hotel room. We ordered pizza and got into pajama bottoms. Then we turned on the TV and watched King Kong until our food got here. Then we changed the channel because that movie is sort of gross. Then we got ready for the conference that would go from 7:00-9:00. There was Natalie Grant who sang Held and told us a few stories and the meanings of her songs! There was Chad Eastham who was extremely hilarious talked about how girls should value themselves and make good choices about what they wear and how they act. There was Ayiesha Woods who sang a lot of my favorite songs of hers like Happy and The Remedy. There was Hawk Nelson who I had no idea who he was until I recognized some of the songs he sang. He had a little four year old friend named Indy. They played their kazoos together! There was Kj52 who was a Christian Rapper who before this conference I had no idea who he was. He had us do some dances and the only one that Mom said she was good at he said was terrible! There was Jenna Lucado (Max Lucado's daughter) who talked to us about being Daddy's little girl a.k.a. God's little girl. There was Rachel Hockett who used to be Natalie Grant's backup singer talked about the struggles in her life like her eating disorder and not feeling accepted when she was younger. But God has changed her life! Then there was Brie Reed who was our hostess. She was from Australia and had an Australian accent which I thought was awesome! I had such a great time with my mom and hope to do many things like this with her in the future!
That was such an amazing
experience. I loved spending that time with you! I soaked it up like a sponge! Those conferences are such a source of encouragement and fun. We worshipped, we learned, we laughed, we danced (more laughing),and I loved every minute of it!!! I'm already looking forward to doing that again!
I love you,
Sounds like you and your mom had a a lot of fun at the conference. What a great bonding time! We were praying for both of you while you were away. I'm so glad that you got the opportunity to hear some amazing speakers and their inspirational stories. What a blessing. We're glad that you made it home safely and loved hearing your stories of the trip.
Love you!
Kayla- I am so glad that you had this special weekend with your mom. You are so blessed to have a mom like you do! I love you Kayla!
Hi Kayla,
Thanks for sharing the time your Mom and you had at the conference. It sounds great and now the next time we get together you can tell me more. Grandmas always want more esp this Grandma---I love you.
Grandma G
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