Wednesday, December 19, 2007

As You Can See

As you can see I've customized my blog differently! I'd always wanted to have blues on my blog but the way that I had it, it didn't look very good with blue! So now I have blues like I wanted and a pretty star! I hope you like the new design!


blended by grace said...

I love the new design! It looks great. We both love blue, so I can understand why you wanted it in your blog colors. I might just have to "customize" our family blog and add some blue!
Glad you're having fun blogging.

jessithompson said...

Looks great Kayla, change is always fun, no matter what the color!

The Pelson 5 said...

Looks good Kayla!
Auntie Erika

The Farrell Family said...

I like the choice! Looks great!

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Hi Sis!
Love your new blog design and the color blue!!

Love the star too! You are inspiring me to re-design my blog!
Love and hugs from your Nana