Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Spelling Bee!

A couple of days ago we had a class spelling bee to see who would represent our class. I won the class spelling bee along with a boy named Jack! My friends Nicole B. Allie and Shay all sat at our table and whispered "go Kayla" every time I would spell a word! The finals will be on February 22nd (which is a Friday) at 10:00 a.m. and is open to the public, so anyone who wants to can come to the the spelling bee!


blended by grace said...

Well done, KK! I'm glad we'll have some time to practice your spelling words. I will be there with bells on for the finals!
Love you Sweetie,

The Farrell Family said...

Way to go, Big Sis!!! We're really proud of you! You're a great STUDENT S-T-U-D-E-N-T STUDENT! We adore you!

jessithompson said...

Way to go, girl! When I was in the third grade I got second place in the spelling bee to a girl named Lacy (funny how I still remember it). I missed the word terrible because I forgot that it had 2 "r"s - now I always remember that terrible has 2 "r"s because it's REALLY bad!

The Pelson 5 said...

KK- We are soooooo proud of you!
We will be praying for you. I was in a few Spelling Bees when I was a girl, and I can still remember the butterfies in my tummy every time it came to my turn again. You will do great!
Love Auntie Erika