Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!!

Today we're having a snow day!! I honestly have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do today, but some of my bright ideas are: playing in the snow, writing a story, or reading. It's amazing how much snow has come down! It's so beautiful but at the same time, the roads are really bad! So if you plan to go driving in this weather, please be careful!! I hope you all have a wonderful day!!


The Farrell Family said...

Hi Sis! We've already been out playing in the snow. it is lovely outside. Papa is shoveling the driveway too. I hope that you have a great and relaxing day!


blended by grace said...

You were so dang cute this morning when I told you it was a snow day! That's the most excited I've seen you get first thing in the morning!
It's been fun being snowed in with you! : )

I love you!

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Hi Sis!!
Oh my gosh...we have 4 feet of snow on our deck...four feet! Yikes! And it just keeps snowing!

We've had a pretty low key day...working on Christmas, staying by the fire, watching movies, talking to friends, and Boppa has been shoveling BIG TIME!!!

I love you so much and since Dist. 81 is closed tomorrow (I just heard this) you are officially on VACATION!! Wow!

Love you to the moon and back!
Your Nana

Anonymous said...

KK, looks like from your family blog you had an awesome snow day!!! That was nice of you to help shovel the driveway. The girls were hoping for a snow day but it has yet to come, but now we are on vacation.
Mackenzie is asking me to tell you that she got to be Mary at school and hold baby Jesus. She also say's she misses you and that you are supposed to tell Zacky that she loves him!
Love you KK!
Auntie Erika