Friday, August 31, 2007

Baby Jenna

Jenna is a surely a gift from God! We have been praying for her for over three years. I remember so clearly just sitting in the office at my school crying for joy. Jenna is just a wonderful little sis. My heart nearly melts every time I see her smile or make a little sound. I just love her so very much!


blended by grace said...

It's so wonderful that you have had these faith building experiences, seeing faithful prayers answered in God's perfect time. Jenna is blessed to have such a beautiful sister, inside and out.
Love, Mom

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Kayla- God really heard your prayers and the prayers of our family when he gave us Jenna. And He knew that you would be a special sister to her and she would be a wonderful sister to you!

You are such a blessing in my life! I love you sweetie and I miss you! Your Nana

The Farrell Family said...

Jenna is so blessed to have you in her life. She will learn so much from you. Thank you for all of your love for her!

We love you!