My Grandpa Bitton has told me so many stories of his childhood with horses. I found out that his family owned horses just about a year ago. Sultan was a half arabian that Grandpa took care of. When Grandpa went off to college his father traded Sultan to Indians for a bunch of steer. Grandpa found that out when he came home from college. The Indians wanted Sultan so bad because you could ride him for a very long time and just couldn't tire him out. The Indians used horses like we use cars!His father fattened up the steer and sold them for a good amount of money. When Grandpa joined the Airforce his father sold another horse that he took care of. His paint horse Toby. Grandpa found that out when he got home. Then after all the selling and trading his father bought a palomino horse. They named him Kontiki. He was named after a raft or boat called the Kontiki. Now I know where I get my love for horses! Thanks Grandpa!
Thanks for making a post about Grandpa Bitton. He tells great stories, doesn't he? He has so much to share. Growing up I used to love listening to his stories...and I still do!
I love you, Mom
Sounds like your love for horses runs in the family. Sounds like you had such a great time listening to stories and learning about your grandpa.
Love and miss you!
Kayla- Whenever I see a beautiful horse...I think of you! :) I was just about your age when I fell in love with horses and took horseback riding lessons! You are gifted with animals!
I love you sweetie and I miss you tons! Can't wait to see you! Your Nana
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